International Student Health Insurance Requirements
All International students and scholars with F and J non-immigrant status in the United States are required to have health insurance that meets the Florida Board of Governors (BOG) Regulation 6.009 and FAU Regulation 4.009.
For the most up to date information regarding the university insurance plan and instructions for submitting an alternative insurance waiver (to be considered for using a non-university insurance plan), please visit:
1. FAU Insurance Plan
International students will be routinely enrolled in the university-sponsored Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP), and the insurance premium will be charged to the student’s FAU account.
New students will be enrolled into insurance following immigration check-in. Already active continuing F-1 and J-1 students will be sent a mandatory insurance survey a few weeks before each semester begins that needs to be completed.
Students should not self- enroll into the insurance plan. The FAU insurance enrollment is processed automatically by the university.
Please note that dental and vision are not included in the auto-enrolled insurance plan. If a student requires dental or vision insurance, please visit the IFS website for more information:
Other important reminders about insurance expectations:
- Active F-1 and J-1 students are required to have continunous insurance coverage which meets the BOG and FAU regulation requirements.
- Insurance auto-enrollment is processed on a semester basis for each fall, spring and summer term.
- Continuing students will be sent a mandatory survey to complete by a specific deadline prior to the start of each full term, fall, spring and summer.
- Insurance is required even during periods of annual vacation, such as the summer term, regardless of course enrollment.
- Insurance is also required for students approved for a medical reduced course load or those students who are pending for reinstatement.
- If a student relinquishes their F-1 or J-1 status, the ISS office will no longer enroll students into insurance.
Some international students are eligible for Alternate Insurance. For eligibility requirements for Alternate Insurance, visit
International students who wish to use an alternate insurance plan must submit a waiver form by the deadline. The alternate insurance waiver portal is only open for a limited time prior to each semester start. Students who do not submit a waiver form by the deadline will have the premium for SHIP added to their student account. Only students who are approved for the alternate insurance waiver will be exempt from being enrolled into the university offered insurance.
2. Waiver Information for Students Who Wish to Use a Non-FAU/Outside Plan
Each semester (usually one month prior to the start of the term) students will have the option to submit an alternate insurance waiver. The waiver submission is done through the Insurance for Students (IFS) portal and can only be submitted when the portal is open to accept submissions.
To submit a waiver, go to and log-in under the section for "International Student & International Graduate Assistants." After you are signed in, click on the option to submit an alternate insurance waiver.
- Coverage Period: Policies must provide, at a minimum, continuous coverage for the entire period the insured is enrolled as an eligible student, including annual breaks during that period. Payment of benefits must be renewable;
- Basic Benefits: Room, board, hospital services, physician fees, surgeon fees, ambulance, outpatient services, and outpatient customary fees must be paid at 80% or more of usual, customary, reasonable charge per accident or illness, after deductible is met, for in-network, and 70% or more of usual, customary, and reasonable charge for out-of-network providers per accident or illness;
- Inpatient Mental Health Care: Must be paid at 80% in-network or 60% out-of-network of the usual and customary fees with a minimum 30-day cap per benefit period;
- Outpatient Mental Health Care: Must be paid at 80% in-network or 60% out-of-network of the usual and customary fees for a minimum of 30 (preferably 40) sessions per year;
- Maternity Benefits: Must be treated as any other temporary medical condition and paid at no less than 80% of usual and customary fees in-network or 60% out-of-network;
- Repatriation: $25,000 (coverage to return the student’s remains to his/her native country);
- Medical Evacuation: $50,000 (to permit the patient to be transported to his/her home country and to be accompanied by a provider or escort, if directed by the physician in charge);
- Deductible: Maximum of $50 per occurrence if treatment or services are rendered at the Student Health Center; maximum of $100 per occurrence if treatment or services are rendered at an off-campus ambulatory care or hospital emergency department facility;
- Minimum coverage: $200,000 for covered injuries/illnesses per accident or illness per policy year;
- Insurance Carrier must, at a minimum, meet the rating requirements specified in Part 62.14(d) of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations;
- Policy must not unreasonably exclude coverage for perils inherent to the student’s program of study;
- Claims must be paid in U.S. dollars payable on a U.S. financial institution;
- Policy provisions must be available from the insurer in English.
- Inpatient/Outpatient Prescription Medication: Must include coverage of $1,000 or more per policy year.
- Exclusion for Pre-existing Conditions: First six months of policy period, at most.
- Preventive care: Preventive care must be included.
Reminder about alternate insurance plans: HMO plans will not be acceptable. Your alternate insurance plan must offer the same level of coverage as offered by the university student health insurance plan.
*Please note that FAU ISS does not oversee the student health insurance process (including waiver).
Please direct questions concerning the FAU student health insurance to Insurance for Students (IFS) at 561-300-5677 or
For any other questions please contact FAU Student Health Services (SHS):
3. Access Your Insurance Card / Proof of Insurance (FAU Student Health Insurance Plan)
- To access your ID card (after insurance enrollment is processed), visit:
- Click on section "International Student & International Graduate Assistants."
- From there, you will be able to find the link for "Get Your ID Card."
- You will need to then create your account with UHCSR - UnitedHealthCare. Click the option to "Create Account." Enter your name as it appears on your form I-20 and be sure to enter your Z number correctly - include the Z in front without any spaces. Example: Z23000000.
If you have any additional questions in regard to your health insurance plan, please contact Insurance for Students (IFS) directly.
You can contact them using the following options:
- Website:
- Phone: 561-300-5677
- Email:
4. Insurance Information After Completing Studies (OPT)
Once a student finishes their degree requirements and transitions to OPT, the university will no longer automatically enroll students into insurance. The FAU student health insurance auto-enrollment plan only applies to active F-1 and J-1 students who are still degree seeking. However, OPT students have the option to self-enroll into a supplemental insurance plan offered through the Insurance for Students (IFS) website.
To enroll for the OPT supplemental insurance plan, visit the following webpage:
You will also need to submit to IFS evidence of your OPT status, such as the receipt notice showing your I-765 petition has been filed or a copy of the EAD card, if approved for OPT.
In general, OPT students may opt into any insurance plan of their choosing for which they are eligible for. You can either continue to self-enroll into the OPT insurance plan offered through IFS, or you can also consider enrolling into medical insurance offered through the OPT employer (if applicable). FAU will no longer need to verify medical insurance for students active under OPT or STEM OPT authorization.